Products_Eng Technology that drives us to the future The best suppliers just a step ahead Lets start Excellence is our suppliers’ common denominator Video Transport Platform IP-based technology video transport from Media Links has been the backbone of soccer World Cups, Olympic events, major US sports events, and many other high profile global sporting events since 2002. Leading fiber optic transport solutions Optical layer transport solution within a highly integrated and compact 1U and enabling carriers, utilities, dark fiber providers, content service providers, data centers, research and education campuses, and enterprises to optimize their fiber optic facilities. KVM Data Center Connectivity High performance keyboard, video and mouse (KVM) solutions enabling real-time control of local, remote and global IT systems. Video Broadcast for PC's Video broadcast 3G/HD/SD/DVB-ASI processing cards for PC's Remote Monitoring under control Remote Site Management and administration platform including full SNMP facilities, alarms, control and automation Video/Audio Total Connectivity Broadcast professional Video/Audio Patch panels, patchcords, connectors, adaptors, and accesories for studios, remote productions and campus. Do not hesitate, reach out and share us your requirements to achieve success Casos de